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out of court settlement造句

"out of court settlement"是什么意思  
  • He withdrew the claims shortly after, gaining an out of court settlement.
  • Per an out of court settlement, " Fallout Online " was cancelled.
  • The suits, the two men said, were dropped in out of court settlements.
  • He received $ 32, 000 in an out of court settlement.
  • The four others reached an out of court settlement in December.
  • The two companies agreed on an out of court settlement by July 2012.
  • In an out of court settlement, the County received $ 45 million from Mercer.
  • After talks, Coca-Cola agreed to an out of court settlement of an undisclosed sum.
  • An undisclosed out of court settlement was reached in 2016.
  • The parents eventually reached an out of court settlement that grants Louise visitation rights.
  • It's difficult to see out of court settlement in a sentence. 用out of court settlement造句挺难的
  • A three-year litigation ended with an out of court settlement, local media reported Tuesday.
  • We will not accept out of court settlement until MTN willingly discontinue the case ".
  • Hartlepool Mail editor Harry Blackwood subsequently accepted an out of court settlement from Johnston Press.
  • Another 12 families have been compensated separately in and out of court settlements, he said.
  • Brayman suggested involved parties come to out of court settlements as a means of speeding resolution.
  • According to the bank, the insider trading charge was settled through an out of court settlement.
  • The two parties did not reach an out of court settlement, despite repeated attempts at mediation.
  • Both Powell and Simpson reached an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount in September 2015.
  • County sued Tata and it agreed to pay back $ 1 million in out of court settlement.
  • The High Court eventually gave the parties a two-week deadline to reach an out of court settlement.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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